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The 23rd Annual General Meeting and Seminar on "The 4Rs Strategy in Urban Renewal in Hong Kong"

Date, time & venue

2010-04-22;6:30pm to 8:00pm; reception starts at 6:00pm;HKIE Headquarters


NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that  the  23rd  Annual  General  Meeting  of  the  Environmental Division  will  be  held  on  Thursday,  22  April  2010  at  6:30pm  at  the  Seminar  Room,  the  HKIE Headquarters, 9/F Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, for the following purposes:
1.        To receive and confirm the Minutes of the 22nd AGM.
2.        To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Division for Session 2009/2010.
3.        To receive and adopt the Financial Statement of the Division for Session 2009/2010.
4.        To  elect  the  Chairman  and  Ordinary  Members  of  the  Division  Committee  for  Session 2010/2011.
5.        Any other business.
In  case  of  adjournment  of  the  AGM,  members  of  the  Division  shall  check  on  the  Institution’s website  at  and  the  Division’s  website  at  of  the  revised venue, time and date for the adjourned AGM.
Ir IP Tat Yan
Honorary Secretary
15 April 2010 

(The above notice and further details can be downloaded by clicking the icon at right hand corner of the website.)
A Technical Seminar “The 4Rs Strategy in Urban Renewal in Hong Kong” after AGM 
The Speaker for the captioned seminar is Ms Iris TAM, Executive Director, Planning and Project Control, Urban Renewal Authority.  


The 23rd Annual General Meeting-cum-A Talk “The 4Rs Strategy in Urban Renewal in Hong Kong


By Ir Johnson KC Lee


The Environmental Division successfully convened its 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 22 April 2010 at the HKIE Headquarters. The Division had a very fruitful session, organizing record-breaking number of events with a wide variety, ranging from seminars presented by distinguished academics and practising engineers, local and mainland site and factory visits to delegations to Japan and Vietnam, annual reception and annual seminar under the chairmanship of Ir Dr CW TSO. The AGM approved the election of Ir CF LAM as the Chairman for Session 2010/11 together with the election of Ir Dr Louis LOCK Fat Shing, Ir IP Tat Yan, Ir Anthony KWAN Lok Fong, Ir Herman AU Tak Ki, Ir Richard CHAN Sou Tung, Ir Andrew YUEN Ngau Yin and Ir Johnson LEE Kwun Chung as Ordinary Members for a three-year term. The event was attended not only by members, but also several past Chairmen of the Division.

The AGM was followed by the talk on “The 4Rs Strategy in Urban Renewal in Hong Kong” delivered by Ms. Iris Tam, Executive Director, Planning and Project Control of Urban Renewal Authority (URA). With the mission to arrest urban decay and to improve the living conditions of the residents and the environment of the old urban areas, the URA has adopted a 4Rs strategy, notably, Redevelopment, Rehabilitation, Reservation and Revitalization, in urban renewal. It can apply to a district as a whole and a specific project as well. The seminar drew reference to the tragedy of the building collapse at 45J Ma Tau Wai Road, which has revived the concern of the community on urban renewal. Members appreciated very much that URA has responded promptly to fast track a Development Project in the immediate neighbourhood of the collapsed building. With the excellent presentation by Ms Tam, the talk was well received by over 100 members of the Institution who got a deep insight into the 4Rs strategy implemented by URA.  The implementation of 4Rs strategy has to strike a good balance among the interests of different stakeholders of the project through public engagement. The Division would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to Ms Tam for delivering such informative, interesting and inspiring talk.



Photo 1 - Group photo of Environmental Division Committee Members with Ir Otto Poon (7th from left) after the AGM



Photo 2 - Ms. Iris Tam delivering a talk after the AGM             




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