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The HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum - “Hong Kong's Role in Low Carbon Development: Challenges and Way Forward"

Date, time & venue

2016-04-18;9:00am - 5:00pm;Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre

In the past decades, it is well known that we are facing two major issues, climate change and the shortage of resources in terms of energy, clean water and clean air.  In Hong Kong, as an international city, we need to optimize energy and resources consumption for carbon reduction yet achieving a sustainable growth in economy.  Therefore, this Forum provides a great opportunity for the participants to exchange information and experience with each other for more understanding of the challenges and the solution for the dilemma of minimizing energy consumption to reduce carbon emissions but at the same time to meet the economic growth for Hong Kong.

The objectives of the annual forum are to enlighten environmental engineering professionals’ awareness through innovation and application of new technologies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, protect the water resource and improve air quality.  Moreover, the use of new technologies, green materials and innovative construction solutions will lead to further improvement of the environment and a sustainable development of Hong Kong.

The forum comprises the keynote session and four other sessions: 

  1. Climate Resilience and Challenges
  2. Development of Low- Carbon Energy
  3.  Urban Mobility Decarbonizing and Carbon Pricing and Market
This year we are honored to have invited Ir Chan Chi-chiu, President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Mr Wong Kam-sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment and Ir Dr the Hon Lo Wai-kwok, BBS, MH, JP, Legislative Councillor (Engineering Functional Constituency), in delivering the Keynote Addresses. 




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