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Annual Seminar on Sustainable Waste Management Policies and Practices

Date, time & venue

2009-04-24;9:00am - 6:00pm;Theatre II, HKCEC

Programme Highlights
With the rapid filling up of the three strategic landfills in the next 4 to 8 years, Hong Kong is facing a big challenge in managing its municipal solid waste (MSW).  The Hong Kong SAR Government has put in place “A Policy Framework for the Management of Municipal Solid Waste in Hong Kong” in 2005 detailing the blueprint for managing MSW from 2005 to 2014.  In addition to this strategic policy, a number of measures and facilities are being planned to deal with special wastes including sewage sludge, organic and electrical/electronic wastes.  This seminar aims to bring together prominent local and overseas speakers to share with you their knowledge and experience on the latest sustainable waste management policies and treatment technologies.

This year we are much honoured to have Mr. Edward Yau, JP, Secretary for the Environment of HKSAR Government, as our Guest of honour, and to give an Opening Address at the seminar.

Early-bird registration (before 24 Mar 09): HKIE-member: HK$500; Non-HKIE-member: HK$650;
Full registration: HKIE-member: HK$600; Non-HKIE-member: HK$800;
HKIE-graduate-member: HK$300.
Proceedings and coffee breaks are included.  

Registration & Enquiries
Registration form is available at For enquiries, please contact us at 2796 1638 or


HKIE Environmental Division

Annual Seminar “Sustainable Waste Management Policies and Practices”


By Eunice Chan


The Environmental division had organized its annual seminar on 24 April, 2009, with the theme “Sustainable Waste Management Policies and Practices”. As one of the highlight events of the division, this one-day seminar aimed to provide the participants not only a board view of the latest development of waste management all over the world but also took a closer look at issues we are facing in local perspective. It’s our honour to have Dr Poon Kit, JP, the acting Secretary for the Environment delivered the opening address and Ir Dr the Honorable Raymond Ho delivered the keynote address to kick off the seminar. A record breaking 330 participants had attended the event and they all enjoyed an open and friendly atmosphere for sharing and exchanging technical ideas and experience on waste management. The seminar consisted of three sessions and it covered different areas of the topic with presentation given by speakers coming from a variety of countries and backgrounds. The first session, chaired by Ir KP Yim, was about global perspective in solid waste management; it had given the participants a view of latest global trend in waste management, sustainable solid waste processing in Guangdong Province as well as local management framework in Hong Kong. The second session, chaired by Ir PK Lee, was about treatment and disposal of municipal solid waste, it covered topics of hazardous waste management strategy adopted in Guangdong Province, an example of integrated solid waste management center in Middle East and advances in waste processing in Australia. The final session, chaired by Ir Dr CW Tso, was about management of special wastes; the speakers introduced the management of sewage sludge and organic waste in Hong Kong as well as handling of waste electrical and electronic wastes in Taiwan. Each session closed with a highly engaged question and answer session and the participants could have a direct dialogue opportunity with the speakers on the stage.


The seminar was ended with a closing remark delivered by HKIE President Ir Peter Wong, who was delighted to see the seminar had successfully raised the awareness of solid waste management issue in Hong Kong among the participants, good practice and valuable experience from our counterparts in other countries has been shared. In this regard, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all speakers for their informative presentation, sponsors and participants for supporting this seminar.

A group photo of the organizing committee members together with the Guests of Honour, Dr Poon Kit and Ir Dr the honorable Raymond Ho and speakers.




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