Introduction to the Division


Environmental Division is one of the largest Divisions of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.  By the end of 30 July 2023, the membership of the Division grows from 4,560 to 4,596.  These consist of 319 Fellows, 3,198 Members, 4 Companions, 699 Graduates, 140 Associates, 181 Students and 55 Affiliates.  Moreover, there are 371 members of Environmental Discipline.”


The aim of the Division is to advance the objectives of the Institution and more specifically the Division is to:

(a)    promote the general advancement of science, technology and practice of the Division;

(b)   encourage and foster a spirit of friendly collaboration amongst its members and with members of similar institution, societies or other professional bodies;

(c)    facilitate the exchange of information and ideas in relation to the Division; and

(d)   contribute to raise the standing of engineers.


The Division will achieve the goals by carrying out learned society activities of technical meetings, technical visits, awards competitions, seminars, conferences and overseas delegations.

In recent years, the Institution and the Division have been actively promoting engineers' participation in public affairs.  The Division has, therefore, been assisting the Institution in the preparation of Institution's views on many public environmental issues, organising meetings and forums and attending community environmental forums to present engineers' views.  The Division will continue to make every endeavour to promote engineers' participation in the public environmental affairs.