Engineering Institutions/Organisations:
American Association of Engineering Societies
BCS HK - British Computer Society Hong Kong
BCS UK - British Computer Society, UK
China Engineering and Technology Information Network
CIBSE UK - Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, UK
Hong Kong Construction Association
ICE UK - Institution of Civil Engineers
IE Australia - Institution of Engineers, Australia
IEEE HK - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc
– Hong Kong Section
IEEE USA - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc
IMechE - Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
IPENZ NZ - Institution of Professional Engineers of New Zealand
Institution of Civil Engineers, Hong Kong Association
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Hong Kong Branch
The Engineering Council, UK
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
The Institution of Engineering and Technology
The Institution of Highways and Transportation - Hong Kong Branch
World Federation of Engineers Organisations (WFEO)